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To: lightwave@webcom.com
Subject: World Construction Set-First Impressions
From: robert.cohen@njland.com (ROBERT COHEN)
Message-Id: <8AB1030.01F40005CE.uuout@njland.com>
Date: Sun, 11 Jun 95 00:48:00 -0500
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I have been asked to review the World Construction Set for LIGHTSPEED,
the video magazine, and I wish to share my first impressions of this
program here, if I may ;))
I would first like to thank Manny Coats for offering me this
opportunity. WCS is one of the finest programs of ANY type I have had
the pleasure of using. Starting with it's 660 page manual, the
documentation is second to none. I only wish that more software
developers (on every platform) would take a serious look at this and use
it as the premise for writting their own documentation. This is one
VERY powerful program: Almost overwhelming. . . Without this manual, I
could not see getting the most out of the software...
WCS uses MUI for opening as many screens at one time (of which there are
many). Most screens are interactive: that is, adjust a parameter in one
window, and the rest automatically reflect that change.
The renders are absolutly GREAT!! Some of them appear as photo
realistic as I have seen any computer generated graphic. I have yet to
finish the manual or master the program, but this is going to take much
time. I will be very happy to learn it well enough by the deadline to
give the program justice by the third issue of LIGHTSPEED. Therefore,
to offer an involved opinion at this point would be premature. However,
I did want to let it be known, that this software IS easily worth the
asking price and that anyone who is seriously interested in duplicating
real world and fantasy landscapes, should NOT hesitate to purchase this
software. But I will warn you. . .You will have to put Lightwave on the
shelf for a while in order to learn WCS, as it will take some serious
time. And once you learn enough to render pictures (by the end of the
very first, well done tutorial) you will be playing for hours on end...
A great big THANK YOU to Gary Huber and Christopher Hanson at Questar
Productions, for bringing such a coooooool product to the Amiga
Until Next Time. . .
robert.cohen@njland.com (ROBERT COHEN) sent this message.
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